

About me: Please do not be concerned about my weird name. I wanted a name that was anonymous so people didn't know I use this site (I don't think my grandmother would be very happy to see me using this site lol). I made up the name on the spot, which is why it sounds childish.

I've used this site a lot before. By use it, I mean I've looked at user sites and forums. I thought it was best that I didn't join as I wasn't the legal age to be looking at this stuff (yeah yeah we all did it). Now I'm a little older, I thought I'd join. I've just finished my finals exams so now I have a lot of spare time to do my own thing.

I don't really have much experience with this community as before I tried to keep my distance to avoid being awkward or creepy.
Interests: Dinosaur feet. I mean, come on, why else would I be on this site?
Location: Chaddesden, Derby, United Kingdom


Online now: Not online; last online 74 months ago (1st July 2018, 11:24 am)
Join date:
Current time: 3:05 pm
Timezone: (UTC+01:00) Belfast, Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London
Banned: No
Date of birth: 22nd April 2000


Posts: 0 posts (0.00 per day, 0.00% of all)
Last submit time: 2,350 days ago