

About me: At birth giving his mother a Grand Mal seizure he has, at times, toyed with the thought that somehow this meant he was destined for great things, but -really- in the years that have followed he's neither gotten a glowing green ring from outer space nor written the Great American Novel. Still, he seems to write a few interesting things, now and then, but mostly just enjoys life as a geek.
Interests: astrophysics, Blue Mars, Celtic/Irish folk music, cooking, Doctor Who, fantasy, filk music, furry, Green Mars, growth, history horses, hyper, kangaroos, Matthew Ebel, national parks, Ookla the Mok, ravens, Red Mars, shrinking, speculative fiction, superheroes, table-top rpgs, time travel, web development, wolves, writing
Occupation: Web Developer
Location: Columbia Heights, Minnesota


Online now: Not online; last online 44 months ago (27th February 2021, 2:05 pm)
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Current time: 6:06 am
Timezone: (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada), Chicago
Banned: No
Date of birth: 21st August 1967


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Last submit time: 2,574 days ago