Collateral damage by pursuit

Standard member

A kaiju detail I like to see
This made me imagine a dragon being very regal and posh as they stomp through the streets. Forcing their self-proclaimed status onto the inhabitants below, while they're heading to do something entirely beyond the civilians' knowledge. It'd be even more belittling to know that the kaiju capable of disrupting an entire day of activity not only vastly outclasses their victims in terms of strength and size, but also in intelligence as well.Kemui52 said
Another thing to consider is that a giant dragon passing through a city is terrifying. But, the dragon taking a moment to dance implies a level of high intelligence, which serves to add further insult to the owners of destroyed property and those it's blocking the way of.
From “Post #462”, 2nd December 2022, 12:24 am
Oh, indeed! Kaijus and landscapes can share the spotlight quite well, even if one clearly dominates the other. To any smaller, more helpless creatures who are spectating, they're still looking at two forces that are far more powerful than they could ever hope to be. It's also quite nice to think about the restraint (or apathy) a kaiju has to have for there to be any landscape left to admire at all.Kemui52 said
Kaiju art can be quite interesting in that regard. It is not only a large, detailed character, but can also be a grand landscape piece. It can easily become a blend two subjects of art. I've once heard it joked that it takes longer to draw the city than to draw the macro.
From “Post #462”, 2nd December 2022, 12:24 am
That sentiment about cities is definitely quite common. Buildings are usually a fair bit more intricate and rigidly/geometrically shaped compared to a giant creature, and there are quite a lot of them in a relatively small space. Although of course that might just make it more satisfying to see it all be forced into the relatively smooth contours of a kaiju's foot.
Exactly! It shows off their physical prowess and skill, how they can have such fine control over their bodies and weight. They can keep intact anything or anyone they value, yet easily destroy anything they wish, as well as crush any unfortunate thing in their path which they're not particularly concerned about.Kemui52 said
Dragonnnnn! That is a very prime example of an aspect l love about certain giant monsters: How immensely powerful and destructive a monster can be, yet has the capacity to be careful and delicate when it wants to. I swoon at the thought of peacefully hugging a gigantic creature who can easily end my life in less than a second! Not just powerful in strength, but powerful enough to restrain its strength! Raaaawr…!
Bonus points when crushing things while being gentle, too, as per the prime example. How many hundreds of trees? How many unfortunate animals? Raaaawr! Oops, now l'm rawring for the opposite reason.
From “Post #462”, 2nd December 2022, 12:24 am
The duality in macro personalities is kind of hard to explain, really… like, I enjoy a mixture of awareness and unawareness, intentional and collateral damage, friendliness and cruelty, etc. Though that could also just be because I like most macros lol.

Standard member

Raaaaaaaawwwwwr!!! I so love that kind of attitude from a giant monster! Seeing everything beneath it as insignificant…! And, those regal dragons tend to have some really pretty designs!BlueOrange said
This made me imagine a dragon being very regal and posh as they stomp through the streets. Forcing their self-proclaimed status onto the inhabitants below, while they're heading to do something entirely beyond the civilians' knowledge. It'd be even more belittling to know that the kaiju capable of disrupting an entire day of activity not only vastly outclasses their victims in terms of strength and size, but also in intelligence as well.From “Post #463”, 5th January 2023, 5:32 pm
Mmm-hmmm! All that work to put them up for the excellent pay off of the kaiju flattening them! Ahh, how l love deformation!BlueOrange said
That sentiment about cities is definitely quite common. Buildings are usually a fair bit more intricate and rigidly/geometrically shaped compared to a giant creature, and there are quite a lot of them in a relatively small space. Although of course that might just make it more satisfying to see it all be forced into the relatively smooth contours of a kaiju's foot.From “Post #463”, 5th January 2023, 5:32 pm
I can say for me, I hone in on a kaiju's gentleness when l'm feeling love‑y dove‑y. The rest of the time, though, I'm feeling monstrous and wanna hone in on the destruction and their dominating power. Hm, though maybe that's a given… I do tend to consider both, anyway. Since my top priority is crushing, I appreciate many kinds of it, I guess. Love‑y dove‑y moods definitely happen for me, though.BlueOrange said
Exactly! It shows off their physical prowess and skill, how they can have such fine control over their bodies and weight. They can keep intact anything or anyone they value, yet easily destroy anything they wish, as well as crush any unfortunate thing in their path which they're not particularly concerned about.
The duality in macro personalities is kind of hard to explain, really… like, I enjoy a mixture of awareness and unawareness, intentional and collateral damage, friendliness and cruelty, etc. Though that could also just be because I like most macros lol.
From “Post #463”, 5th January 2023, 5:32 pm

Standard member

I do like to think about how something as little as the dragon's gait might influence the destruction they cause. Some moods might cause them to swing their feet lower to the ground every stride, knocking down streetlamps and trees, leaving cars only partially compressed under their toes and leaving significant dents in others that are kicked around, sometimes scraping the top sides of their huge claws against the ground and creating large furrows in the tarmac while vehicles are forcibly pushed along. Possibly grazing the sides of buildings with their hips as well. It's also nice when, if they're wearing any clothing or holding something, those objects end up contributing to the destruction themselves. All that on top of the regal dragon looking stunning and eyecatching to the people they are terrorizing, which I agree they often end up being!Kemui52 said
Raaaaaaaawwwwwr!!! I so love that kind of attitude from a giant monster! Seeing everything beneath it as insignificant…! And, those regal dragons tend to have some really pretty designs!
From “Post #464”, 6th January 2023, 3:27 pm
On the topic of deformation… I think I've brought up a few times now the idea of some objects being only partially crushed, or at least being seen in the process of being flattened. I'm thinking the reason why that's so satisfying for me is how much it illustrates that everything is at the mercy of the kaiju. Such as the slight movements that move some object under their foot to the next stage of destruction, and their whims which dictate what part of something gets trampled or how far it's flattened.Kemui52 said
Mmm-hmmm! All that work to put them up for the excellent pay off of the kaiju flattening them! Ahh, how l love deformation!
From “Post #464”, 6th January 2023, 3:27 pm
I guess I also just like the idea of befriending a kaiju, who could simultaneously protect me yet, as an added bonus, shape their surroundings however they please (or however else it ends up after their movements). Giving their special attention and affection to a select few individuals or members of a certain species, yet remaining either oblivious or uncaring toward anything else.Kemui52 said
I can say for me, I hone in on a kaiju's gentleness when l'm feeling love‑y dove‑y. The rest of the time, though, I'm feeling monstrous and wanna hone in on the destruction and their dominating power. Hm, though maybe that's a given… I do tend to consider both, anyway. Since my top priority is crushing, I appreciate many kinds of it, I guess. Love‑y dove‑y moods definitely happen for me, though.
From “Post #464”, 6th January 2023, 3:27 pm

Standard member

Mmmm, l love when there are lots of little, but weight-y details to a destruction scene! Everything that comes into contact with the kaiju as it walks through is damaged in its own, unique way… It's really superb when there's minimal fog to see all the details, especially! Something specific l've been thinking of recently is electrical wires. I greatly enjoy seeing them stretch out tight until they inevitably snap from the monster's unstoppable stride!BlueOrange said
I do like to think about how something as little as the dragon's gait might influence the destruction they cause. Some moods might cause them to swing their feet lower to the ground every stride, knocking down streetlamps and trees, leaving cars only partially compressed under their toes and leaving significant dents in others that are kicked around, sometimes scraping the top sides of their huge claws against the ground and creating large furrows in the tarmac while vehicles are forcibly pushed along. Possibly grazing the sides of buildings with their hips as well. It's also nice when, if they're wearing any clothing or holding something, those objects end up contributing to the destruction themselves. All that on top of the regal dragon looking stunning and eyecatching to the people they are terrorizing, which I agree they often end up being!From “Post #465”, 7th January 2023, 12:20 pm
Grrrrr, yes, indeed. A kaiju can destroy anything to any degree they want to. A little bit of pressure on a car and the windows can shatter. They can squeeze it enough to make the tires pop! They could poke holes in the chassis with their claws! Or, stomping half a car, kicking another over and crushing it on its side… Rawr! Their actions can leave such a variety of lasting impressions!BlueOrange said
On the topic of deformation… I think I've brought up a few times now the idea of some objects being only partially crushed, or at least being seen in the process of being flattened. I'm thinking the reason why that's so satisfying for me is how much it illustrates that everything is at the mercy of the kaiju. Such as the slight movements that move some object under their foot to the next stage of destruction, and their whims which dictate what part of something gets trampled or how far it's flattened.From “Post #465”, 7th January 2023, 12:20 pm
Swoon! I've partaken in a few fantasies along those lines. One of the official Godzilla comics has Titanosaurous share a bond with a particular human, and that got my imagination going a few rounds when l read a bit of it. It's such a lovely thought to be on a kaiju's gentle side! … Even though l'm terribly afraid of heights. I'd probably be very terrified to travel by kaiju. But if they're big enough, a ride shouldn't be all that bad.BlueOrange said
I guess I also just like the idea of befriending a kaiju, who could simultaneously protect me yet, as an added bonus, shape their surroundings however they please (or however else it ends up after their movements). Giving their special attention and affection to a select few individuals or members of a certain species, yet remaining either oblivious or uncaring toward anything else.From “Post #465”, 7th January 2023, 12:20 pm

Standard member

Hehe, exactly! The sheer number of ways a monster can shape anything around them, into whatever destroyed shape they could please! It's nice to see all kinds of objects try futilely to resist a creature's weight or strength, and powerlines are a nice example of something that holds out quite long (depending of course on the size and speed of their stride) compared to other objects. When things are in the middle of being tugged on or flattened, it's almost like the kaiju is teasing them, giving them a hope that they could survive, albeit damaged, even though the kaiju is always one inconsequential movement away from wrecking something entirely.Kemui52 said
Mmmm, l love when there are lots of little, but weight-y details to a destruction scene! Everything that comes into contact with the kaiju as it walks through is damaged in its own, unique way… It's really superb when there's minimal fog to see all the details, especially! Something specific l've been thinking of recently is electrical wires. I greatly enjoy seeing them stretch out tight until they inevitably snap from the monster's unstoppable stride!
From “Post #466”, 9th January 2023, 12:55 am
Powerlines are also nice because of how they're attached to the telephone poles, so tugging on them hard enough can cause the poles to be knocked askew or uprooted (like with the behemoth at the end of The Mist). As well as how knocking them out can cause the power to go out in certain parts of a city.
Ahh, oh my…! It's such a cool aspect of kaiju destruction scenes. Whenever there's a group of cars or a grove of trees laid out in a kaiju's path, you can't really predict how exactly it's going to turn out until it happens. The most I can do is sit and watch in anticipation as the kaiju brings everything into its sphere of influence, each stride and footstep being another opportunity for them to deform their surroundings in a different way. There truly are countless ways a kaiju can leave an impression on an object… each combination of their casual movements and decisions leaves its own wonderful aftermath!Kemui52 said
Grrrrr, yes, indeed. A kaiju can destroy anything to any degree they want to. A little bit of pressure on a car and the windows can shatter. They can squeeze it enough to make the tires pop! They could poke holes in the chassis with their claws! Or, stomping half a car, kicking another over and crushing it on its side… Rawr! Their actions can leave such a variety of lasting impressions!
From “Post #466”, 9th January 2023, 12:55 am
Ooh! Did some digging, is it the third issue of Godzilla Legends? What do Titanosaurus and the human end up doing together?Kemui52 said
Swoon! I've partaken in a few fantasies along those lines. One of the official Godzilla comics has Titanosaurous share a bond with a particular human, and that got my imagination going a few rounds when l read a bit of it. It's such a lovely thought to be on a kaiju's gentle side! … Even though l'm terribly afraid of heights. I'd probably be very terrified to travel by kaiju. But if they're big enough, a ride shouldn't be all that bad.
From “Post #466”, 9th January 2023, 12:55 am
One example in popular media from my recent memory is the one scene from Pacific Rim Uprising, where the megakaiju lowers his head down to his human ally who'd been watching him from fight from the top of a building, shaking the ground with his stomps as he turns around to face him. It's a pretty short moment and they just leave each other be, but it's nice how the megakaiju's head absolutely fills and dominates the frame, as well as how his deep stomps cause the human to jump slightly in place, and of course, how he manages not to harm the building or the human at all despite how close he brought his head to them, all while he continues stepping around it with his catastrophic footfalls! It's quite surprising that the human doesn't get blown away completely from the megakaiju's breath in that scene.
And yup, I imagine riding a kaiju would be quite risky, since there aren't a lot of spots where you could get a good grip on their body. Some media has riders entrust the kaijus with holding them in their mouth or paws if they can be gentle, their head or back if it's broad enough, or, like in the first half of The Sea Beast, inside the creature's nostrils. All comes down to the kaiju being able to make their own bodies into a safe environment for the little ones, I think.

Standard member

Or when they're attached directly to buildings and some little pieces of them chip off as the wires are teared from their holdings? Rawr!BlueOrange said
Powerlines are also nice because of how they're attached to the telephone poles, so tugging on them hard enough can cause the poles to be knocked askew or uprooted (like with the behemoth at the end of The Mist). As well as how knocking them out can cause the power to go out in certain parts of a city.From “Post #467”, 29th January 2023, 3:16 pm
Behemoth from the end of The Mist, huh? They sound cute.
I'm a slut for crushing, so I always love it when something unique gets a good stomp! My immediate memory says it's usually cartoons that crush new things, like mailboxes or fire hydrants.BlueOrange said
Ahh, oh my…! It's such a cool aspect of kaiju destruction scenes. Whenever there's a group of cars or a grove of trees laid out in a kaiju's path, you can't really predict how exactly it's going to turn out until it happens. The most I can do is sit and watch in anticipation as the kaiju brings everything into its sphere of influence, each stride and footstep being another opportunity for them to deform their surroundings in a different way. There truly are countless ways a kaiju can leave an impression on an object… each combination of their casual movements and decisions leaves its own wonderful aftermath!From “Post #467”, 29th January 2023, 3:16 pm
That sounds like the right issue, but oh, I don't think I read the whole thing. l was skimming all the comics for stompies, and l read that part of it because it had a high resolution view of Titano's eye. That's my avatar theming on social media, a close-up view of a monster's eye. So, l don't know what they did together, I'm afraid. Hrrrrrm… I think Titano shares a mental link with a certain human and escapes a military facility to find that person? That's about the best l recall.BlueOrange said
Ooh! Did some digging, is it the third issue of Godzilla Legends? What do Titanosaurus and the human end up doing together?From “Post #467”, 29th January 2023, 3:16 pm
Raaaawr, that sounds spicy! Hmmm, interesting that you specify 'megakaiju'… Those new kaiju films are something l've been meaning to check out, but I haven't been finding the time and YouTube's suggestions have become completely useless. I know the first Pacific Rim has a truck crush and the Mechagodzilla movie has a building crush, but l'm sure there's more than just that.BlueOrange said
One example in popular media from my recent memory is the one scene from Pacific Rim Uprising, where the megakaiju lowers his head down to his human ally who'd been watching him from fight from the top of a building, shaking the ground with his stomps as he turns around to face him. It's a pretty short moment and they just leave each other be, but it's nice how the megakaiju's head absolutely fills and dominates the frame, as well as how his deep stomps cause the human to jump slightly in place, and of course, how he manages not to harm the building or the human at all despite how close he brought his head to them, all while he continues stepping around it with his catastrophic footfalls! It's quite surprising that the human doesn't get blown away completely from the megakaiju's breath in that scene.From “Post #467”, 29th January 2023, 3:16 pm
It all sounds so scary and exhilarating! I can only imagine a quadruped being the easiest, especially if they have back spines. Just knowing l'm high up would prolly mess with me regardless, so l hope l wouldn't have to travel by kaiju a lot… Definitely something that needs a lot of trust.BlueOrange said
And yup, I imagine riding a kaiju would be quite risky, since there aren't a lot of spots where you could get a good grip on their body. Some media has riders entrust the kaijus with holding them in their mouth or paws if they can be gentle, their head or back if it's broad enough, or, like in the first half of The Sea Beast, inside the creature's nostrils. All comes down to the kaiju being able to make their own bodies into a safe environment for the little ones, I think.From “Post #467”, 29th January 2023, 3:16 pm

Standard member

Ooh yes! Sounds like the cables might be hitching a ride against the creature's feet if it's the building's walls that break apart first. I'm also reminded of a brief scene from some movie where a giant animal runs and smashes through a horse-drawn wagon, and they end up unknowingly dragging the horse on the ground behind them as they continue to run.Kemui52 said
Or when they're attached directly to buildings and some little pieces of them chip off as the wires are teared from their holdings? Rawr!
From “Post #468”, 30th January 2023, 3:01 pm
They don't even attack anything, they're just a bit too big to notice the main characters! So they merely walk on by through the powerlines and make the characters' car bounce around with each step. The book apparently also describes an SUV-sized crater which one of their feet leave in the road but that's not shown in the film.Kemui52 said
Behemoth from the end of The Mist, huh? They sound cute.
From “Post #468”, 30th January 2023, 3:01 pm
Absolutely, truly nothing is safe from the sheer weight and pressure of a kaiju's footsteps, each object reacting to the force and decorating the carnage in its own way!Kemui52 said
I'm a slut for crushing, so I always love it when something unique gets a good stomp! My immediate memory says it's usually cartoons that crush new things, like mailboxes or fire hydrants.
From “Post #468”, 30th January 2023, 3:01 pm
I usually think of live action + CG composites as having some nice objects being crushed or knocked over, because having a large monster move through a packed environment without interacting with anything would look a little off. Usually means that some of the destruction is only in there as background detail though, but still I think it's pretty fun to zoom in and go through it!
Turns out it's pretty easy just to find the entire thing just by looking it up on Google… seems like a bit of swashbuckling scallywaggery to me though.Kemui52 said
That sounds like the right issue, but oh, I don't think I read the whole thing. l was skimming all the comics for stompies, and l read that part of it because it had a high resolution view of Titano's eye. That's my avatar theming on social media, a close-up view of a monster's eye. So, l don't know what they did together, I'm afraid. Hrrrrrm… I think Titano shares a mental link with a certain human and escapes a military facility to find that person? That's about the best l recall.
From “Post #468”, 30th January 2023, 3:01 pm
Anyway, he's only in it for a little bit: the kid accidentally summons him toward his house because of his emotions, and we seem him stomping though a city for one panel to get there, as well as the aftermath of a dense patch of trees in another. Before he can do more damage though, he's quickly taken away by aliens who want to use him as a weapon against humanity later, very rude.

Ah, "megakaiju" is just their name in the movie. Supposedly they're a couple hundred feet taller than the three kaiju who get fused together to make them, but they still get up to your typical kaiju affairs, except now they look bigger and thicker in comparison to the Jaegar robots and the buildings and whatnot, and the composition of the frame tries to close in around them to make them look bigger. The "Behemoth" from The Mist is also a name, except I'm not sure it's even officially used anywhere.Kemui52 said
Raaaawr, that sounds spicy! Hmmm, interesting that you specify 'megakaiju'… Those new kaiju films are something l've been meaning to check out, but I haven't been finding the time and YouTube's suggestions have become completely useless. I know the first Pacific Rim has a truck crush and the Mechagodzilla movie has a building crush, but l'm sure there's more than just that.
From “Post #468”, 30th January 2023, 3:01 pm
Those are indeed two brief but memorable scenes! I can't recall every stompy scene in all the newer kaiju movies of course, although from those two movies I do remember a short scene from Godzilla vs Kong where Kong pushes over and steps on some trees of varying sizes (which I mentioned in the first post), and a shot in Pacific Rim where you can briefly see a completely pancaked car get lifted off the ground and fall off one of the Jaegar's feet.
The best YouTube recommendations I get nowadays are usually regular clips and scenes from movies, although they still take some skimming through. I also occasionally check this Shadowlord Inc list which can alert me to some nice dragon characters: Shadowlord Inc.
Yeah, having a broad area like that with spines to grip onto would definitely make me feel more secure. Although still, part of their back being a sloped surface that's constantly shifting and moving as they walk would still frighten me a fair bit. It makes hiding away in their mouth seem like a more favorable option, even if you can't get as good a view of the surroundings from there. I'd hope they'd be willing to listen to slow down their strides or somehow move their legs in a way that would help keep me centered on their back.Kemui52 said
It all sounds so scary and exhilarating! I can only imagine a quadruped being the easiest, especially if they have back spines. Just knowing l'm high up would prolly mess with me regardless, so l hope l wouldn't have to travel by kaiju a lot… Definitely something that needs a lot of trust.
From “Post #468”, 30th January 2023, 3:01 pm

Standard member

Rawr? l wouldn't expect a movie to do that!BlueOrange said
Ooh yes! Sounds like the cables might be hitching a ride against the creature's feet if it's the building's walls that break apart first. I'm also reminded of a brief scene from some movie where a giant animal runs and smashes through a horse-drawn wagon, and they end up unknowingly dragging the horse on the ground behind them as they continue to run.From “Post #472”, 14th June 2023, 2:53 am
Ah, that's right. Wasn't much there, but was nice to think about what more could have been done while attuned with a kaiju.BlueOrange said
Anyway, he's only in it for a little bit: the kid accidentally summons him toward his house because of his emotions, and we seem him stomping though a city for one panel to get there, as well as the aftermath of a dense patch of trees in another. Before he can do more damage though, he's quickly taken away by aliens who want to use him as a weapon against humanity later, very rude.From “Post #472”, 14th June 2023, 2:53 am
Huh. That Pacific Rim scene must've been really background 'cause l don't recall the Jaegers getting to step on things in the first film. It almost looked to me like it specifically avoided damaging anything.BlueOrange said
Those are indeed two brief but memorable scenes! I can't recall every stompy scene in all the newer kaiju movies of course, although from those two movies I do remember a short scene from Godzilla vs Kong where Kong pushes over and steps on some trees of varying sizes (which I mentioned in the first post), and a shot in Pacific Rim where you can briefly see a completely pancaked car get lifted off the ground and fall off one of the Jaegar's feet.From “Post #472”, 14th June 2023, 2:53 am
Oh, so that place does get updated? The site design and quality of some clips made me think it was old and abandoned. I saw some good stuff on there before, so good to know it's worth checking up on from time to time.BlueOrange said
The best YouTube recommendations I get nowadays are usually regular clips and scenes from movies, although they still take some skimming through. I also occasionally check this Shadowlord Inc list which can alert me to some nice dragon characters: Shadowlord Inc.From “Post #472”, 14th June 2023, 2:53 am
Oh, hm. Good point, now l don't really know anymore where l'd prefer. Maybe the slimy, salivating mouth would be safer after all!BlueOrange said
Yeah, having a broad area like that with spines to grip onto would definitely make me feel more secure. Although still, part of their back being a sloped surface that's constantly shifting and moving as they walk would still frighten me a fair bit. It makes hiding away in their mouth seem like a more favorable option, even if you can't get as good a view of the surroundings from there. I'd hope they'd be willing to listen to slow down their strides or somehow move their legs in a way that would help keep me centered on their back.
From “Post #472”, 14th June 2023, 2:53 am

Standard member

Yeah, getting innocent bystanding animals involved in a kaiju's path of destruction isn't something media does often, I've noticed!Kemui52 said
Rawr? l wouldn't expect a movie to do that!
From “Post #473”, 14th June 2023, 5:19 pm
It is indeed quite a background detail, and all covered up by a dust cloud as well. I didn't notice it until I rewatched the scene a few times. We don't really get a before-and-after though, just the sight of its flattened form being lifted into the air. You can see it off to the right:Kemui52 said
Huh. That Pacific Rim scene must've been really background 'cause l don't recall the Jaegers getting to step on things in the first film. It almost looked to me like it specifically avoided damaging anything.
From “Post #473”, 14th June 2023, 5:19 pm

I also enjoy the little details of the other cars bouncing around, including the one that its foot touches as it swings down. There's a decent amount of destruction caused by the 'heroes' here—cars and streetlamps (and also trees and buildings) just seem to be far too insignificant for both kaiju and Jaeger to focus on or even notice them at all!
Yeah, Dragoniade posts monthly content updates, as you can see on the home page. Clips will also usually have HD resolution as an option even though it's still usually set to 240p by default strangely.Kemui52 said
Oh, so that place does get updated? The site design and quality of some clips made me think it was old and abandoned. I saw some good stuff on there before, so good to know it's worth checking up on from time to time.
From “Post #473”, 14th June 2023, 5:19 pm
In terms of finding stompy or macro scenes in general though, I feel like I haven't really found a lot of new stuff since we last spoke. First thing that comes to mind is a scene from the latest season of The Dragon Prince, where Zubeia (the massive dragon mom) tail-whips and steps on a few bear-like creatures. I do appreciate how in that series, all the adult dragons are huge and can easily cause the ground to shake with each footfall!
Well, I guess it would depend on how conscious the kaiju is of us. If they can be careful enough to avoid crushing us, they might have enough fine control over their body to keep us balanced up on their back? Might be hard for them to feel where exactly we are though with how tiny we'd be, so who knows.Kemui52 said
Oh, hm. Good point, now l don't really know anymore where l'd prefer. Maybe the slimy, salivating mouth would be safer after all!
From “Post #473”, 14th June 2023, 5:19 pm

Standard member

Welcome back! No worries for taking awhile, that's how I'm used to forums working.BlueOrange said
Hiya, been quite a while!
From “Post #474”, 23rd November 2023, 4:46 pm
Hmmm… I know there was a small scene in Combattler V where a kaiju zapped some deer with lasers, but no stompies. One of the good guys was feeling disillusioned with humanity, so the show was demonstrating the bad guys are destroying nature, too, not just human civilization. At least, I think that was the context. l could've sworn it was a later episode, but that plot point would have to have been made early on. Hm… Well, anyway, that's the closest example in my recent memory.BlueOrange said
Yeah, getting innocent bystanding animals involved in a kaiju's path of destruction isn't something media does often, I've noticed!
From “Post #474”, 23rd November 2023, 4:46 pm
Ahhh, so it is true! The weight of the stomps and knocked over pole feel really good there, gotta say. l just need to see a car stomp to top it all off; I'm just too obsessed with the sight of a deformed car, what can l say?BlueOrange said
It is indeed quite a background detail, and all covered up by a dust cloud as well. I didn't notice it until I rewatched the scene a few times. We don't really get a before-and-after though, just the sight of its flattened form being lifted into the air. You can see it off to the right:
I also enjoy the little details of the other cars bouncing around, including the one that its foot touches as it swings down. There's a decent amount of destruction caused by the 'heroes' here—cars and streetlamps (and also trees and buildings) just seem to be far too insignificant for both kaiju and Jaeger to focus on or even notice them at all!
From “Post #474”, 23rd November 2023, 4:46 pm
Oh? I've been in a huge monster-stompin' mood the past year, so that sounds like a good thing for me to look into.BlueOrange said
In terms of finding stompy or macro scenes in general though, I feel like I haven't really found a lot of new stuff since we last spoke. First thing that comes to mind is a scene from the latest season of The Dragon Prince, where Zubeia (the massive dragon mom) tail-whips and steps on a few bear-like creatures. I do appreciate how in that series, all the adult dragons are huge and can easily cause the ground to shake with each footfall!
From “Post #474”, 23rd November 2023, 4:46 pm

Standard member

Ooh, alright. Yeah, guess there isn't really a reason for all these kaijus to single out humanity as their target, so nature is a good alternative, and quite a fragile, vulnerable one too! I'm not sure if I can fish out that example you brought up since there's a decent number of episodes and my search results aren't really bringing any particular ones up, but thanks for sharing.Kemui52 said
Hmmm… I know there was a small scene in Combattler V where a kaiju zapped some deer with lasers, but no stompies. One of the good guys was feeling disillusioned with humanity, so the show was demonstrating the bad guys are destroying nature, too, not just human civilization. At least, I think that was the context. l could've sworn it was a later episode, but that plot point would have to have been made early on. Hm… Well, anyway, that's the closest example in my recent memory.
From “Post #476”, 30th November 2023, 3:44 am

Indeed! I'm usually more interested in the prospect of the kaijus getting to do that kind of stomping, but the perspective and destruction caused by the Jaeger are just too palpable. I know the Jaeger ends up accidentally crushing a car with its fist later on as it's getting back up, but there are certainly quite a number of close calls with its feet here which would've been nice to see.Kemui52 said
Ahhh, so it is true! The weight of the stomps and knocked over pole feel really good there, gotta say. l just need to see a car stomp to top it all off; I'm just too obsessed with the sight of a deformed car, what can l say?
From “Post #476”, 30th November 2023, 3:44 am
Mhm! The stomp in particular seems to be completely accidental as well; Zubeia's just trying to climb up the floors of a building like a ladder.Kemui52 said
Oh? I've been in a huge monster-stompin' mood the past year, so that sounds like a good thing for me to look into.
From “Post #474”, 23rd November 2023, 4:46 pm

I very much enjoy the way the dragons cause the ground to shake as they walk, even in scenarios where it isn't strictly necessary; there's one scene where she's just walking over to her child yet causing the camera to shake heavily, while rocks are even being loosened from the ceiling of a cave.
I also recently found out about the new Godzilla movie, Godzilla Minus One, that released internationally just this month! It has some people-stomping and city destruction, which you might enjoy. There's also the Monarch: Legacy of Monsters TV series, which I'm keeping an eye on for good kaiju scenes. I believe there have been a few heavy creatures featured in it already.

Standard member

Raaaaawwwwr, what a stomp!!!! I'm totes gonna look into this! Eventually!BlueOrange said
Mhm! The stomp in particular seems to be completely accidental as well; Zubeia's just trying to climb up the floors of a building like a ladder.From “Post #479”, 18th December 2023, 12:17 am
Mmmm, sounds like they have a good idea of how to depict a large dragon~. Raawr! Good stomp sounds and camera shake go a long way.BlueOrange said
I very much enjoy the way the dragons cause the ground to shake as they walk, even in scenarios where it isn't strictly necessary; there's one scene where she's just walking over to her child yet causing the camera to shake heavily, while rocks are even being loosened from the ceiling of a cave.From “Post #479”, 18th December 2023, 12:17 am
I have heard of both of these! The trailer for Minus One looked very rawr, but I notice I have…weird standards when it comes to live action stompage. It looked like a blurry foot being layered over people who don't react to it. It's really quite unfortunate my eyes see it that way, it should be really good stuff. I'm hoping the full film has a few more scenes that get more…clear. But, it's totally a me thing. I think the same way about the stomps in Zilla '98, my brain just…refuses to like it despite a car crush being front and center. That car just moves in a weird way that my brain says is wrong.BlueOrange said
I also recently found out about the new Godzilla movie, Godzilla Minus One, that released internationally just this month! It has some people-stomping and city destruction, which you might enjoy. There's also the Monarch: Legacy of Monsters TV series, which I'm keeping an eye on for good kaiju scenes. I believe there have been a few heavy creatures featured in it already.
From “Post #479”, 18th December 2023, 12:17 am
But anyway, Monarch. I've heard there's very, very few kaiju scenes in it. The guy l'm hearing talk about it isn't a stomp fanatic, though, so l dunno how much detail he leaves out. I hope it has some good stuff come from it!
(I'm so boring, l don't watch anything new)

Standard member

Hehehe! I forget if there are other stomps quite as graphic as this one in the rest of the series, although new seasons of The Dragon Prince have been releasing relatively quickly so hopefully we'll see some good content come out of them!Kemui52 said
Raaaaawwwwr, what a stomp!!!! I'm totes gonna look into this! Eventually!
From “Post #480”, 21st December 2023, 5:27 pm
Gosh yes, stomp-induced earthquakes are a classic that never get old! Seeing a monster cause irreparable damage to the terrain without even thinking about it is just an appetizer for the kinds of destruction they can cause deliberately… not to mention the bassy rumble that rattles everyone nearby.Kemui52 said
Mmmm, sounds like they have a good idea of how to depict a large dragon~. Raawr! Good stomp sounds and camera shake go a long way.
From “Post #480”, 21st December 2023, 5:27 pm
Yeah, I've heard some people talk about how they're pickier about live action stuff. I can't really relate (although more realistic/believable details definitely make a stomp sequence more palpable), since other media seem to just have even fewer details or not carry the same sense of weight that you can capture with animation/CG. I also just think my standards have been lowering quite a bit lately lol.Kemui52 said
I have heard of both of these! The trailer for Minus One looked very rawr, but I notice I have…weird standards when it comes to live action stompage. It looked like a blurry foot being layered over people who don't react to it. It's really quite unfortunate my eyes see it that way, it should be really good stuff. I'm hoping the full film has a few more scenes that get more…clear. But, it's totally a me thing. I think the same way about the stomps in Zilla '98, my brain just…refuses to like it despite a car crush being front and center. That car just moves in a weird way that my brain says is wrong.
From “Post #480”, 21st December 2023, 5:27 pm
Eh, I skimmed it and couldn't find too much stuff. There's an episode focusing on a critter called the Frost Vark whose footfalls the show makes sure to emphasize as it stomps through the snow, and there's a brief scene where an Ion Dragon snaps a few trees in two (but the show cuts away right as he pushes against them). Not much else stood out though.Kemui52 said
But anyway, Monarch. I've heard there's very, very few kaiju scenes in it. The guy l'm hearing talk about it isn't a stomp fanatic, though, so l dunno how much detail he leaves out. I hope it has some good stuff come from it!
From “Post #480”, 21st December 2023, 5:27 pm
By the way, are you on a platform like Discord? Might be nice to connect with some stompy friends on there, or maybe even a community that's aligned with LD5's niche if one exists?

Oh and also, I checked your YouTube channel for the first time in a while and saw your gameplay of the divine beast missions in Hyrule Warriors. Very glad to see other people enjoying the stompy potential of these fellas! Vah Naboris is my favorite, what with the Zelda BotW cutscenes that seem to focus specifically on their ability to stomp about and shake the ground. I like to imagine that's just a frivolous thematic decision thought up by the creators of Vah Naboris in-universe, since they're a being that's supposed to be representative of thunder, although that just makes it even more fun to know how much damage they end up causing to the environment because of it!

Standard member

Raaaaawr, indeed! Hmmm… Something l've noticed is that modern western games tend to use a more "realistic" camera shake where the motion is more of a sway. Compare to the games of the 2010s and earlier where it was a really fast visual vibration. What do you think of the modern style of camera shake? I've found the sway makes me a little nauseous, which never happened to me before.BlueOrange said
Gosh yes, stomp-induced earthquakes are a classic that never get old! Seeing a monster cause irreparable damage to the terrain without even thinking about it is just an appetizer for the kinds of destruction they can cause deliberately… not to mention the bassy rumble that rattles everyone nearby.From “Post #481”, 11th February 2024, 12:20 pm
I envy that; being able to enjoy more is simply better. That's why it feels really weird for me… I can get really excited by an objectively cheap 3D or 2D animation, but when it's a movie with a realistic flair things feel entirely different. l can at least say it has something to do with the way the crushed object deforms because l don't like every crush l see, of course. There's just…some specific art form to it that l can't explain, l just know it when l see it.BlueOrange said
Yeah, I've heard some people talk about how they're pickier about live action stuff. I can't really relate (although more realistic/believable details definitely make a stomp sequence more palpable), since other media seem to just have even fewer details or not carry the same sense of weight that you can capture with animation/CG. I also just think my standards have been lowering quite a bit lately lol.From “Post #481”, 11th February 2024, 12:20 pm
Hmmm, l see. l can say stomping through snow is an undervalued thing, at least. Snow-covered environments seem quite uncommon in kaiju stuff.BlueOrange said
Eh, I skimmed it and couldn't find too much stuff. There's an episode focusing on a critter called the Frost Vark whose footfalls the show makes sure to emphasize as it stomps through the snow, and there's a brief scene where an Ion Dragon snaps a few trees in two (but the show cuts away right as he pushes against them). Not much else stood out though.From “Post #481”, 11th February 2024, 12:20 pm
Raaaawr, aren't those machines great?! I already love the fact l get to stomp around as the divine beasts, but it also opens my eyes to the untapped potential in musous! Where are the kaiju-based musous?! That's the kind of power trip l want!BlueOrange said
Oh and also, I checked your YouTube channel for the first time in a while and saw your gameplay of the divine beast missions in Hyrule Warriors. Very glad to see other people enjoying the stompy potential of these fellas! Vah Naboris is my favorite, what with the Zelda BotW cutscenes that seem to focus specifically on their ability to stomp about and shake the ground. I like to imagine that's just a frivolous thematic decision thought up by the creators of Vah Naboris in-universe, since they're a being that's supposed to be representative of thunder, although that just makes it even more fun to know how much damage they end up causing to the environment because of it!From “Post #481”, 11th February 2024, 12:20 pm
Yeah, l got one of those! I check it more often than l do forums, so l can better tell you about a couple servers l'm in, too. I'm not in a lot, but they've been very chill. I'll PM you my tag in case any robots are crawling around this place.BlueOrange said
By the way, are you on a platform like Discord? Might be nice to connect with some stompy friends on there, or maybe even a community that's aligned with LD5's niche if one exists?
From “Post #481”, 11th February 2024, 12:20 pm
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