Collateral damage by pursuit

A kaiju detail I like to see
Yes! I'm thinking of two scenarios here. Either the protector really does have a conscious relationship with the little beings at its feet, but it puts that aside in the heat of battle, valuing the welfare of the entire area (and the kaiju's own ability to move through it) over the lives and property of a few hundred unlucky people or woodland critters. Or it really doesn't care at all, and every citizen or section of the city being spared is by chance. It leads one to wonder why such a creature bothers to protect them in the first place.Kemui52 said
Mmmraaaaawr, the horror they must feel will have to subside quickly as they remember the uncaring protector is what's preventing other monsters from completely destroying their puny, little lives! Grrrr, rawr!
From “Post #433”, 22nd June 2022, 1:39 am
Hmmhehe, well I figured it was just a pun, but you made me think of a city/forest finding itself immediately underneath a little more surface area than a kaiju's feet… maybe a kaiju stopping to rest its rump right on top of one or deciding to lie down. Weaker creatures getting squashed for no reason other than the kaiju giving into its typical routine or wanting to rest.Kemui52 said
Hehe…um, I was just making a pun about being underfoot. You know, as all veteran macros do. But, why? What were you thinking of?
From “Post #433”, 22nd June 2022, 1:39 am
Like this dragon who's falling asleep to the scent of sawdust and hundreds of freshly crunched pine trunks:

She could even save a few acres of woodland, depending on whether she cares to lift her feet high enough when she takes a step!Kemui52 said
Awww, look at that gorgeously stunning dragon!! To truly never harm nature at such a size would mean having to float everywhere, and at that point, there's no use in being giant anymore. I'd love to see trees collapse beneath that dragon's stride!
From “Post #433”, 22nd June 2022, 1:39 am
By the way, she grows even bigger, to a size that dwarfs mountain ranges. It's hard not to imagine her claws digging right into that mountain under her hand, carving out canyons that extend deeper than the valley below!

Sounds to me that's precisely why those little things should be very grateful! That immensely powerful monster can wipe them all out of existence, yet chooses not to either through empathy or apathy.BlueOrange said
Yes! I'm thinking of two scenarios here. Either the protector really does have a conscious relationship with the little beings at its feet, but it puts that aside in the heat of battle, valuing the welfare of the entire area (and the kaiju's own ability to move through it) over the lives and property of a few hundred unlucky people or woodland critters. Or it really doesn't care at all, and every citizen or section of the city being spared is by chance. It leads one to wonder why such a creature bothers to protect them in the first place.From “Post #434”, 22nd June 2022, 2:25 pm
Mmmmmm, l do love when a giant monster crushes things by lying its gigantic body on top of them! So many little things and beings can be flattened at such a high rate!BlueOrange said
Hmmhehe, well I figured it was just a pun, but you made me think of a city/forest finding itself immediately underneath a little more surface area than a kaiju's feet… maybe a kaiju stopping to rest its rump right on top of one or deciding to lie down. Weaker creatures getting squashed for no reason other than the kaiju giving into its typical routine or wanting to rest.
Like this dragon who's falling asleep to the scent of sawdust and hundreds of freshly crunched pine trunks:From “Post #434”, 22nd June 2022, 2:25 pm
And raaaaaawr, look at that relaxing cute dragon! Looks like such a gentle creature, but imagine all the trees that've been completely crunched beneath its body!! Another reason trees are especially fun to me is because they typically are only toppled over, so knowing their forms are absolutely shattered conveys an incredible sense of strength from the monster!
Am l a macro? Hmmm, l suppose you mean if l have a macro OC? The thing is, l'm not good at making OCs or fursonas at all. Best l got is being a simple pied crow by default and whatever l make for stories or games. Beyond that, l can say macro is my primary interest.BlueOrange said
(Are you a macro yourself by the way?)From “Post #434”, 22nd June 2022, 2:25 pm
Ooooh, rawr, raawr, raaaaawr! She could create wastelands by merely rolling in her sleep! And, that's to say nothing of what she's doing right there…!BlueOrange said
She could even save a few acres of woodland, depending on whether she cares to lift her feet high enough when she takes a step!
By the way, she grows even bigger, to a size that dwarfs mountain ranges. It's hard not to imagine her claws digging right into that mountain under her hand, carving out canyons that extend deeper than the valley below!From “Post #434”, 22nd June 2022, 2:25 pm

Hehehe, that's a clever way to put it! I've always loved it when an apathetic kaiju finishes a battle or some other task, only to unnecessarily trample roads, trees, and more as they depart.Kemui52 said
Sounds to me that's precisely why those little things should be very grateful! That immensely powerful monster can wipe them all out of existence, yet chooses not to either through empathy or apathy.
From “Post #435”, 27th June 2022, 5:11 pm
What's interesting is that stepping on things would exert more pressure onto them, since the creature's weight would only be distributed through their feet instead of their whole torso. But halving the pressure beneath a mountain-sized creature doesn't make a huge difference to the critters, plants, and structures on the surface… just that the kaiju's footprints might sink a few tens of meters deeper into the earth.Kemui52 said
Mmmmmm, l do love when a giant monster crushes things by lying its gigantic body on top of them! So many little things and beings can be flattened at such a high rate!
And raaaaaawr, look at that relaxing cute dragon! Looks like such a gentle creature, but imagine all the trees that've been completely crunched beneath its body!! Another reason trees are especially fun to me is because they typically are only toppled over, so knowing their forms are absolutely shattered conveys an incredible sense of strength from the monster!
From “Post #435”, 27th June 2022, 5:11 pm

Felling a decently thick tree would require slicing the trunk in a specific way with a chainsaw or striking it with many, many forceful hits of an axe. They even pose a challenge to heavy machinery like tanks and bulldozers. So it's nice to know a large dragon could knock them over by "gently" grazing them against their legs, without even noticing more often than not, and even go a step further and mangle the trunks and branches underneath their paws by finishing their stride. And in the case of a sleeping dragon like the one above, smothering them and their inhabitants by the hectare whenever they take a nap!
That's a nice mental image, the earth's mountains crumbling like mounds of sand beneath her as she steamrolls over them! And for a dragon who supposedly wouldn't lay a claw on any forest critter based on her lore, she looks rather keen on annihilating throes of other creatures. There also seems to be a little village under her arm there, and it's up to her to decide whether it's a part of nature… not that she'd realistically treat nature any better anyway…Kemui52 said
Ooooh, rawr, raawr, raaaaawr! She could create wastelands by merely rolling in her sleep! And, that's to say nothing of what she's doing right there…!
From “Post #435”, 27th June 2022, 5:11 pm

I know, right? I never knew until now what the forum page numbers were like! This is an achievement!BlueOrange said
AHH! Page numbers?! Still we discover more about this forum…!From “Post #436”, 1st July 2022, 6:53 pm
Tee hee! Maybe it can be seen as a victory lap of sorts. :bBlueOrange said
Hehehe, that's a clever way to put it! I've always loved it when an apathetic kaiju finishes a battle or some other task, only to unnecessarily trample roads, trees, and more as they depart.From “Post #436”, 1st July 2022, 6:53 pm
That's right. l know allll about the ways of those pesky trees and their common indestructiblility. Always gotta soak it in when l see 'em fall to the might of a kaiju! And, yes, when a monster's footprints are the depth of craters, the planet's denizens are all at the mercy of the monster's every whim, no matter how "small".BlueOrange said
What's interesting is that stepping on things would exert more pressure onto them, since the creature's weight would only be distributed through their feet instead of their whole torso. But halving the pressure beneath a mountain-sized creature doesn't make a huge difference to the critters, plants, and structures on the surface… just that the kaiju's footprints might sink a few tens of meters deeper into the earth.
Felling a decently thick tree would require slicing the trunk in a specific way with a chainsaw or striking it with many, many forceful hits of an axe. They even pose a challenge to heavy machinery like tanks and bulldozers. So it's nice to know a large dragon could knock them over by "gently" grazing them against their legs, without even noticing more often than not, and even go a step further and mangle the trunks and branches underneath their paws by finishing their stride. And in the case of a sleeping dragon like the one above, smothering them and their inhabitants by the hectare whenever they take a nap!From “Post #436”, 1st July 2022, 6:53 pm
Truly hard to believe she can spare all parts of nature when every step she takes destroys a little chunk of the planet each time. But when she needs to take on such a size to quell a greater threat, I'm sure she knows it is an acceptable sacrifice. And I'll be over here, raaaawring with excitement from all destruction~!BlueOrange said
That's a nice mental image, the earth's mountains crumbling like mounds of sand beneath her as she steamrolls over them! And for a dragon who supposedly wouldn't lay a claw on any forest critter based on her lore, she looks rather keen on annihilating throes of other creatures. There also seems to be a little village under her arm there, and it's up to her to decide whether it's a part of nature… not that she'd realistically treat nature any better anyway…
From “Post #436”, 1st July 2022, 6:53 pm

Hehe, it's nice knowing that the deciding factor as to whether those little critters live can be the precise motions a kaiju does when shuffling their feet, waking up, or whatever else. A kaiju foot landing a few meters over in one direction can be the difference between life and death to some, or whether a town will have to deal with several millions more in repair costs and many more months of labor. And the longevity of entire civilizations can ultimately come down to where the kaiju chooses to sleep at night!Kemui52 said
That's right. l know allll about the ways of those pesky trees and their common indestructiblility. Always gotta soak it in when l see 'em fall to the might of a kaiju! And, yes, when a monster's footprints are the depth of craters, the planet's denizens are all at the mercy of the monster's every whim, no matter how "small".
From “Post #437”, 2nd July 2022, 3:07 pm
When the alternative is having an entire forest or landscape overtaken or destroyed, it doesn't sound so bad that just a few ecosystems are getting flattened beneath the dragon whose goal is to protect them! Some could also argue that some of her priorities include clearing out old trees for new life to grow in, or forcing new mountain ranges out of the ground around her belly when she naps to alter the weather conditions, and many different actions to shape the landscape of some continents to her liking in the long run. And I agree, to see her in action would be an unmatchably beautiful sight!Kemui52 said
Truly hard to believe she can spare all parts of nature when every step she takes destroys a little chunk of the planet each time. But when she needs to take on such a size to quell a greater threat, I'm sure she knows it is an acceptable sacrifice. And I'll be over here, raaaawring with excitement from all destruction~!
From “Post #437”, 2nd July 2022, 3:07 pm
Here's an animated short with a giant rock golem that all this made me think of:
A real cocky kaiju, causing a rockslide himself and endangering a town, and then expecting it to be grateful for partly saving them! Not to mention the thousands of pine trees leveled in the process.

Ahhhh, l do so love how unremarkable a kaiju's everyday movements are, while the hundreds or even thousands of little creatures below are scrambling away in terror or being trampled flat! It's just so raaawr!BlueOrange said
Hehe, it's nice knowing that the deciding factor as to whether those little critters live can be the precise motions a kaiju does when shuffling their feet, waking up, or whatever else. A kaiju foot landing a few meters over in one direction can be the difference between life and death to some, or whether a town will have to deal with several millions more in repair costs and many more months of labor. And the longevity of entire civilizations can ultimately come down to where the kaiju chooses to sleep at night!From “Post #438”, 5th July 2022, 1:51 pm
The very planet being carved by the shape of her spiky, giant dragon body…! I'm not usually into this level of scale, but the thought of the ground crumbling and cracking so violently from every bit of contact with her is quite exciting!BlueOrange said
When the alternative is having an entire forest or landscape overtaken or destroyed, it doesn't sound so bad that just a few ecosystems are getting flattened beneath the dragon whose goal is to protect them! Some could also argue that some of her priorities include clearing out old trees for new life to grow in, or forcing new mountain ranges out of the ground around her belly when she naps to alter the weather conditions, and many different actions to shape the landscape of some continents to her liking in the long run. And I agree, to see her in action would be an unmatchably beautiful sight!From “Post #438”, 5th July 2022, 1:51 pm
Oh! Very fast paced for a kaiju, but that ending's a good payoff! Pathetic, little worms should have known their place and been grateful! Rawr!BlueOrange said
Here's an animated short with a giant rock golem that all this made me think of:
A real cocky kaiju, causing a rockslide himself and endangering a town, and then expecting it to be grateful for partly saving them! Not to mention the thousands of pine trees leveled in the process.
From “Post #438”, 5th July 2022, 1:51 pm

Indeed, at her size and level of strength, some of her terraforming would be quite rough and accidentally overreaching to say the least (especially given all the spikes on her body)! I love the thought of the Earth's crust shattering and deforming against her, whether deliberately or unawares, with mile-long fragments of earth holding entire neighborhoods or forests being lifted from the ground and tossed around like pebbles. The littler beings down below can only trust she knows what she's doing, and pray they aren't in her way when she does it!Kemui52 said
The very planet being carved by the shape of her spiky, giant dragon body…! I'm not usually into this level of scale, but the thought of the ground crumbling and cracking so violently from every bit of contact with her is quite exciting!
From “Post #439”, 8th July 2022, 4:24 am
What is your favorite scale for kaijus, anyway? I do like myself a variety, since many sizes offer plenty of their own great side effects. I agree that smaller kaijus have a wider range of ways their bodies can give special attention to buildings or trees as they strut past. Perhaps getting the branches and steel maimed and tangled between their toes and claws, or toppling them by brushing against the trunks or windows with their legs, which both happen alongside utterly flattening them under their feet or torso, as opposed to larger monsters like the nature dragon who are mostly limited to instantly leveling a several-mile radius all the time. It's sometimes like a good meal—they should savor it while they can!
Judging by all the pine trees getting completely exploded apart around his feet, he's not particularly concerned about the well-being of any weaker living things on his mountain. Him taking a minute out of his work to even try to save the that town is probably more generous than he usually is!Kemui52 said
Oh! Very fast paced for a kaiju, but that ending's a good payoff! Pathetic, little worms should have known their place and been grateful! Rawr!
From “Post #439”, 8th July 2022, 4:24 am

Ahhhh, swoon!!! The miles of pure destruction happening at once from such a gargantuan dragon! It's so raaaawr!BlueOrange said
Indeed, at her size and level of strength, some of her terraforming would be quite rough and accidentally overreaching to say the least (especially given all the spikes on her body)! I love the thought of the Earth's crust shattering and deforming against her, whether deliberately or unawares, with mile-long fragments of earth holding entire neighborhoods or forests being lifted from the ground and tossed around like pebbles. The littler beings down below can only trust she knows what she's doing, and pray they aren't in her way when she does it!From “Post #440”, 9th July 2022, 10:27 am
Hmmm, I'm a variety bird, too, since l take what l can get. And since l focus on crushing and stomping, my choices tend to be whatever size is big enough to stomp whatever l'm in the mood to crush. But, l think l can say my favourite overall scale is about high-rise size. Big enough to plow through any building in its way, but still able to clearly see the cars and people it tramples.BlueOrange said
What is your favorite scale for kaijus, anyway? I do like myself a variety, since many sizes offer plenty of their own great side effects. I agree that smaller kaijus have a wider range of ways their bodies can give special attention to buildings or trees as they strut past. Perhaps getting the branches and steel maimed and tangled between their toes and claws, or toppling them by brushing against the trunks or windows with their legs, which both happen alongside utterly flattening them under their feet or torso, as opposed to larger monsters like the nature dragon who are mostly limited to instantly leveling a several-mile radius all the time. It's sometimes like a good meal—they should savor it while they can!From “Post #440”, 9th July 2022, 10:27 am

And to think that's the product of a single footfall or lie-down! Imagine the state of the planet after a few days of active duty… especially considering Earth's surface probably couldn't naturally heal those footprints and craters and fissures and mountains of her magnitude for millennia.Kemui52 said
Ahhhh, swoon!!! The miles of pure destruction happening at once from such a gargantuan dragon! It's so raaaawr!
From “Post #441”, 11th July 2022, 2:03 am
Oh yup! A size where they can reliably head in a straight line through a city without stopping for anything in their way (while being able to see each and every thing they crush, if they desire) is always nice for a kaiju. It also adds a layer of helplessness for any little humans or creatures being chased: not only are they at a huge disadvantage in speed and strength, but the kaiju aren't even constrained to the winding labyrinth of roads or the traffic within them, trampling anything that was previously an obstacle!Kemui52 said
Hmmm, I'm a variety bird, too, since l take what l can get. And since l focus on crushing and stomping, my choices tend to be whatever size is big enough to stomp whatever l'm in the mood to crush. But, l think l can say my favourite overall scale is about high-rise size. Big enough to plow through any building in its way, but still able to clearly see the cars and people it tramples.
From “Post #441”, 11th July 2022, 2:03 am

Grrarrr, another excellent point! The ecosystems would be devastated from such impacts!BlueOrange said
And to think that's the product of a single footfall or lie-down! Imagine the state of the planet after a few days of active duty… especially considering Earth's surface probably couldn't naturally heal those footprints and craters and fissures and mountains of her magnitude for millennia.From “Post #442”, 24th July 2022, 1:00 am
Raaaaawr, that's exactly what l love about it! All the heavy traffic, all those winding roads, all those concrete buildings… None of them can act as an obstacle to a kaiju! The giant monster can just walk straight through all of them, leaving many humans trapped by their own designs! Ohhh, how l love such extreme differences of strength!BlueOrange said
Oh yup! A size where they can reliably head in a straight line through a city without stopping for anything in their way (while being able to see each and every thing they crush, if they desire) is always nice for a kaiju. It also adds a layer of helplessness for any little humans or creatures being chased: not only are they at a huge disadvantage in speed and strength, but the kaiju aren't even constrained to the winding labyrinth of roads or the traffic within them, trampling anything that was previously an obstacle!From “Post #442”, 24th July 2022, 1:00 am

There's also the question of what motivates her to protect the forest, given that each movement she makes seems to work against her goal. And if the forests were to be cleared out, she'd be much more effective at doing so than any earthly threat she'd encounter. Does she find it a particularly noble cause, maybe being in tune with all the woodland creatures around her toes, even if they're promptly trampled underneath? Or a more selfish one?Kemui52 said
Grrarrr, another excellent point! The ecosystems would be devastated from such impacts!
From “Post #443”, 26th July 2022, 4:38 am
The powerlessness of so many cars and trucks jammed in traffic! Trapping each other in their doom, aligning themselves into a dense yet insufficient cushion for the monster's feet, in such a way that the monster can get as much as they can out of each footstep…Kemui52 said
Raaaaawr, that's exactly what l love about it! All the heavy traffic, all those winding roads, all those concrete buildings… None of them can act as an obstacle to a kaiju! The giant monster can just walk straight through all of them, leaving many humans trapped by their own designs! Ohhh, how l love such extreme differences of strength!
From “Post #443”, 26th July 2022, 4:38 am
By the way, I tried searching Google Books with a few keywords… as one does… and found a couple excerpts from books about dragons damaging trees that I found quite nice! Here's one:
Thoughts for a Portal, Jeffrey Poole (2015)
“She’d be grounded,” Sarah was saying. “The trees are growing too thick in there. She’d be trapped.”
“No, I wouldn’t,” Pryllan disagreed. “While it wouldn’t be the most graceful of takeoffs, I could push my way through that canopy if I needed to.”
Satisfied, Steve turned to Sarah. “There. Happy? She’d be fine.”
“Ask her, don’t tell her,” Sarah scolded. She patted the ground she was sitting on, which was namely Pryllan’s right claw.
Pryllan stared down at the two humans and cocked her head.
“What?” Steve asked. “What’s the matter?”
“How are we going to do this? I cannot move about on the forest floor with the two of you in my talons. You would be squished flat.”
“Couldn’t we just walk next to you?” Sarah asked. “I mean, we don’t walk that slowly. I’d be more concerned about you.”
“Why?” Pryllan asked, confused.
“It can get tight in here,” Sarah told the dragon. “You’re huge. What happens if you don’t fit?”
“Then I’ll either go around or else push my way through,” the dragon vowed. “As such I don’t want to worry about whether or not I’ll step on you.”
Pryllan squeezed through two long rows of pine trees, snapping off lower limbs in the process. The commotion they were making was probably heard for miles in all directions. Steve chuckled.
“What’s so funny?” Sarah wanted to know.
“I thought dragons always moved about in utter silence. Pryllan is definitely proving me wrong right about now.”
“Let’s see you try and navigate through such tight confines,” the dragon promptly told them. “I challenge you to do any better.”
One dead tree, long since dried up, and as brittle as parchment, collapsed noisily to the ground as the giant dragon passed by. Pryllan hesitated only long enough to give the fallen tree a passing glance.
“We have done nothing to arouse his suspicions,” Pryllan answered. “He remains unaware.”
“You sure about that?” Steve asked, raising an eyebrow.
Pryllan snorted, sending out a thick jet of smoke from each nostril. “Are you not familiar with the Dragon Lord’s temper? Trust me when I say he suspects nothing.”
Steve gestured at the surrounding trees.
“It’s getting rather thick in here. Think you can still move freely enough to be able to follow Aislinn’s scent?”
Pryllan looked at the closest tree that was less than a few feet from her right flank. She reached out to grasp the trunk of the closest tree in with one of her mighty claws. She gave it a quick jerk. The entire tree snapped off at the trunk. Pryllan let it drop to the ground and gave Steve a look which suggested trees were the last thing she was worried about.
Steve cleared his throat. “Alrighty then. No worries.”
Pryllan hurried through the thick forest, snapping obtrusive branches and completely uprooting several trees that were crowding too close. The resulting racket of their progress through the forest could undoubtedly be heard for miles. She had just pushed her way through two large oak trees when something flew up off the branch and began squawking angrily at them.
(In case you were curious, it was completely in that dragon's power to spare the trees if she cared enough to: )
Pryllan crouched lower to the ground and hurried off. This time, Steve noted with surprise, she made no sound whatsoever. It was like someone had hit the ‘mute’ button. Steve leaned over Pryllan’s side to see for himself that she was still walking and not somehow floating along the ground. He didn’t know how Pryllan was doing it, but her movements now had an almost serpentine feel to them. She was gently undulating back and forth as she effortlessly snaked her way through the thick trees. No trees were knocked over. No branches were snapped in half. The forest was utterly quiet except for an occasional chirp from a nearby kyte.

As much as l love the idea of, "This is my land to shape, not yours!" I think the intended characteristics lean more towards the noble cause route. She likely has a way to make her path known to the wild animals, giving most of them ample time to flee to safety. I am equally certain there are always a few stragglers who fail to escape in time, meeting their unceremonious demise beneath her weight.BlueOrange said
There's also the question of what motivates her to protect the forest, given that each movement she makes seems to work against her goal. And if the forests were to be cleared out, she'd be much more effective at doing so than any earthly threat she'd encounter. Does she find it a particularly noble cause, maybe being in tune with all the woodland creatures around her toes, even if they're promptly trampled underneath? Or a more selfish one?From “Post #445”, 27th July 2022, 11:08 am
However, that's just my guess. I could always be wrong…!
Ahhhh, l could only imagine what it feels like to slowly, yet firmly slam a several-hundred-ton foot onto a gridlock of ten-ton vehicles! What a blissful sensation it must be; the feeling of all that metal and glass collapsing, the sound of them crashing into a pancake with the accompaniment of screams of panic, and the sight of it all in ruin when you turn to look back! Grrraaawrrrrrr!!!!BlueOrange said
The powerlessness of so many cars and trucks jammed in traffic! Trapping each other in their doom, aligning themselves into a dense yet insufficient cushion for the monster's feet, in such a way that the monster can get as much as they can out of each footstep…From “Post #445”, 27th July 2022, 11:08 am
Oooooh, l do so enjoy when a dragon flaunts their strength! When you're so big and can afford to show off a little, it's always fun to seize that chance!BlueOrange said
By the way, I tried searching Google Books with a few keywords… as one does… and found a couple excerpts from books about dragons damaging trees that I found quite nice! Here's one:From “Post #445”, 27th July 2022, 11:08 am

Mmm yes, a protector who cares about all the beings below them, at one moment giving them enough attention to make each puny creature feel that much more significant, yet still knowing when to (literally) put her foot down! Although that still leaves the animals' homes and the trees and flora utterly helpless… Maybe she trusts they'll grow back in her craters, but it might be difficult for new plants to take root in such densely compressed earth!Kemui52 said
As much as l love the idea of, "This is my land to shape, not yours!" I think the intended characteristics lean more towards the noble cause route. She likely has a way to make her path known to the wild animals, giving most of them ample time to flee to safety. I am equally certain there are always a few stragglers who fail to escape in time, meeting their unceremonious demise beneath her weight.
However, that's just my guess. I could always be wrong…!
From “Post #448”, 1st August 2022, 4:10 pm
A wonderful feeling for the kaiju, and a fantastic sight for both them and the onlookers too! A firm, methodical step from a kaiju can really let them savor every attempt at resistance from the vehicles: the springs allowing the chassis to shift as if all was normal, just as the sleek metal frame bends and tears while glass explodes out of its sockets beneath the mounting pressure. Slowly everything inside joins the metal frame in the compression. Doors are forced off their hinges and seats burst at the seams, while the delicate internal machinery struggles before stopping and cracking uselessly. Each vehicle responds slightly differently, entering different stages of compaction at different times, yet the end result is the same as the combined resistance from all the vehicles fails to keep the kaiju's foot off the asphalt. Nothing over a few inches in height lies intact while the foot forces itself even deeper into the road and bends each metal pancake against the curves of its toes, a pungent mixture of blood trying to escape through the former windows.Kemui52 said
Ahhhh, l could only imagine what it feels like to slowly, yet firmly slam a several-hundred-ton foot onto a gridlock of ten-ton vehicles! What a blissful sensation it must be; the feeling of all that metal and glass collapsing, the sound of them crashing into a pancake with the accompaniment of screams of panic, and the sight of it all in ruin when you turn to look back! Grrraaawrrrrrr!!!!
From “Post #448”, 1st August 2022, 4:10 pm
It's a treat to see cars thrown around or shoved around or trampled so easily like the trees. So many several-ton objects, so heavy and revered to the little humans, getting dominated by nothing more than the kaiju's own pleasure!

Speaking of which, here's a dragon who's doing something a little more maliciously (art by Panthera Arven, character by Raylldo):Kemui52 said
Oooooh, l do so enjoy when a dragon flaunts their strength! When you're so big and can afford to show off a little, it's always fun to seize that chance!
From “Post #448”, 1st August 2022, 4:10 pm

Aaaaaaaaahhhhhh, what an edifying account of events!!! Exactly the details l love about gigantic monsters! Just thinking about those heavy machines collapsing to a greater creature…! Swooooon!BlueOrange said
A wonderful feeling for the kaiju, and a fantastic sight for both them and the onlookers too! A firm, methodical step from a kaiju can really let them savor every attempt at resistance from the vehicles: the springs allowing the chassis to shift as if all was normal, just as the sleek metal frame bends and tears while glass explodes out of its sockets beneath the mounting pressure. Slowly everything inside joins the metal frame in the compression. Doors are forced off their hinges and seats burst at the seams, while the delicate internal machinery struggles before stopping and cracking uselessly. Each vehicle responds slightly differently, entering different stages of compaction at different times, yet the end result is the same as the combined resistance from all the vehicles fails to keep the kaiju's foot off the asphalt. Nothing over a few inches in height lies intact while the foot forces itself even deeper into the road and bends each metal pancake against the curves of its toes, a pungent mixture of blood trying to escape through the former windows.
It's a treat to see cars thrown around or shoved around or trampled so easily like the trees. So many several-ton objects, so heavy and revered to the little humans, getting dominated by nothing more than the kaiju's own pleasure!From “Post #453”, 10th August 2022, 1:05 pm
Ooooh, l saw that first one before! l adore the idea of a gargantuan dragon toying around with the tiny inhabitants! The second l've yet to see, though, and that's such a nice view to appreciate the scope of their size! And of course, the insignificance of those trees that've been knocked over… Rawr!BlueOrange said
Speaking of which, here's a dragon who's doing something a little more maliciously (art by Panthera Arven, character by Raylldo):
And his brother Aetherios causing a little more innocent destruction:
From “Post #453”, 10th August 2022, 1:05 pm

Another thought that's piqued my interest is the kaijus blocking or rerouting traffic, whether that's because they're standing in the middle of the road, their footprints are forcing traffic to swerve around them, etc. Overall causing disruption and interrupting people's urgent schedules just to show off their own strength, or because they merely happened to want a bit of fun there!Kemui52 said
Aaaaaaaaahhhhhh, what an edifying account of events!!! Exactly the details l love about gigantic monsters! Just thinking about those heavy machines collapsing to a greater creature…! Swooooon!
From “Post #454”, 13th August 2022, 4:14 pm
Well, seems these two dragons have done quite a bit of commissioning since this was posted…! Their characters have quite the personalities, not to mention they've been getting some pretty great art as well.Kemui52 said
Ooooh, l saw that first one before! l adore the idea of a gargantuan dragon toying around with the tiny inhabitants! The second l've yet to see, though, and that's such a nice view to appreciate the scope of their size! And of course, the insignificance of those trees that've been knocked over… Rawr!
From “Post #454”, 13th August 2022, 4:14 pm
It certainly seems like these two (and even the artist, too) aren't unfamiliar with some incidental forest flattening! Take for example two more pieces the same artist did for them even before the ones posted above. Those are some scenic environments and skies which the dragons have taken the time to exalt, completely oblivious of the more fragile elements of nature they had to trample to reach there. It definitely speaks to a creature's size and magnificence that the dozens of trees they've toppled and stepped on are relegated to a just-noticeable portion of the scene beneath their paws! (again, art by Panthera Arven)

(by Nattraseri: )

Arven has a Trello linked on her Patreon that shows her progress on all her WIP and finished Patreon rewards. Even right now in her current WIPs, there's an in-progress painting of a dragon making a mess of a beautiful amber forest, just so he can playfully greet the local wildlife:

I've thought of the idea of a huge dragon taking a nap right on top of a formerly busy street. The humans, knowing they can't do anything about it without incurring its wrath, are forced to take longer routes away and around the dragon. I like to think it does this on purpose, too.BlueOrange said
Another thought that's piqued my interest is the kaijus blocking or rerouting traffic, whether that's because they're standing in the middle of the road, their footprints are forcing traffic to swerve around them, etc. Overall causing disruption and interrupting people's urgent schedules just to show off their own strength, or because they merely happened to want a bit of fun there!From “Post #457”, 17th October 2022, 11:52 pm
Dragon dragon dragon dragons!!! Ahem… Definitely an awe-inspiring sight to see such massive dragons appreciating the beauty of nature (while simultaneously trampling it. Rawr!). Ooh, and l'm loving how puny and insignificant that "large cat" looks! Not much of a predator when a powerful dragon looms over! That last one looks exciting, as well; l can't wait to see how many toppled trees there'll be!BlueOrange said
Well, seems these two dragons have done quite a bit of commissioning since this was posted…! Their characters have quite the personalities, not to mention they've been getting some pretty great art as well.
It certainly seems like these two (and even the artist, too) aren't unfamiliar with some incidental forest flattening! Take for example two more pieces the same artist did for them even before the ones posted above. Those are some scenic environments and skies which the dragons have taken the time to exalt, completely oblivious of the more fragile elements of nature they had to trample to reach there. It definitely speaks to a creature's size and magnificence that the dozens of trees they've toppled and stepped on are relegated to a just-noticeable portion of the scene beneath their paws!
From “Post #457”, 17th October 2022, 11:52 pm

Mhm, surely the humans understand that middle of the road is the only immediately available spot that has nearly enough room for the dragon to stroll around or lie down! That is, if you don't count just trampling straight through all the buildings, not that the dragon would be particularly opposed to that. It must get a bit of smug pleasure claiming right of way for itself, watching all the little humans hastily trying to navigate around its huge body!Kemui52 said
I've thought of the idea of a huge dragon taking a nap right on top of a formerly busy street. The humans, knowing they can't do anything about it without incurring its wrath, are forced to take longer routes away and around the dragon. I like to think it does this on purpose, too.
From “Post #458”, 18th October 2022, 5:58 pm
Here's a dragon taking up an intersection just so he can perform a dance:
There's something enticing in the sort of, how should I describe it, hierarchy? in nature there. On a normal day, that not-so-large cat could probably look up from the forest floor and admire the beautiful tree., But to these two dragons, those same trees are merely crunchy footfall padding that get utterly pulverized by the dozen with each step, and which are just in the way of them finding a spot to admire the stars instead! Although I also like the thought of a dragon taking in a scenic countryside view, while stomping all over the very forests, meadows, and farms they're admiring.Kemui52 said
Dragon dragon dragon dragons!!! Ahem… Definitely an awe-inspiring sight to see such massive dragons appreciating the beauty of nature (while simultaneously trampling it. Rawr!). Ooh, and l'm loving how puny and insignificant that "large cat" looks! Not much of a predator when a powerful dragon looms over! That last one looks exciting, as well; l can't wait to see how many toppled trees there'll be!
From “Post #458”, 18th October 2022, 5:58 pm
Arven finished the last picture the day after your reply!

I should mention, those deer are also quite trusting not to bolt away at the sight of him, too. He could very easily have crushed one of them by accident under that tree broken by his left paw! It must be quite empowering to be on friendly terms with a creature of his size and strength, especially as he devastates their home environment right before their eyes just to greet them.
And another sizable dragon from the same artist:

Oh, trampling straight through buildings is the first thing l think of, believe me. I go mad over a monster who makes their destructive intentions obvious!BlueOrange said
Mhm, surely the humans understand that middle of the road is the only immediately available spot that has nearly enough room for the dragon to stroll around or lie down! That is, if you don't count just trampling straight through all the buildings, not that the dragon would be particularly opposed to that. It must get a bit of smug pleasure claiming right of way for itself, watching all the little humans hastily trying to navigate around its huge body!From “Post #459”, 31st October 2022, 3:11 am
Yeah, I've seen this one! I might not be into macro dance sessions, but l can certainly appreciate their apathy towards the humans' convenience.BlueOrange said
Here's a dragon taking up an intersection just so he can perform a dance:From “Post #459”, 31st October 2022, 3:11 am
Mmm, l, too, enjoy taking in the sights before l stomp all over them! Imagining how firm and structurally sound it must be before I see it crumble to bits… Rawr!BlueOrange said
There's something enticing in the sort of, how should I describe it, hierarchy? in nature there. On a normal day, that not-so-large cat could probably look up from the forest floor and admire the beautiful tree., But to these two dragons, those same trees are merely crunchy footfall padding that get utterly pulverized by the dozen with each step, and which are just in the way of them finding a spot to admire the stars instead! Although I also like the thought of a dragon taking in a scenic countryside view, while stomping all over the very forests, meadows, and farms they're admiring.From “Post #459”, 31st October 2022, 3:11 am
Indeed, that's a vast amount of trees being toppled and smashed! Graarrr, that's a whole new clearing! And, I'm thinking that dragon must have expertise in communicating with the deer, because tree smashing is quite loud.BlueOrange said
Arven finished the last picture the day after your reply!
In the wip, it took me a bit to realize that the ground next to him was actually completely covered in toppled tree trunks, helplessly pinned down under his muscular legs and tail! It looks like he's quite purposefully shoving all those trees aside, carving out a new acre-large clearing and destroying the homes of several dozen birds just so he can meet up with a small group of deer.
I should mention, those deer are also quite trusting not to bolt away at the sight of him, too. He could very easily have crushed one of them by accident under that tree broken by his left paw! It must be quite empowering to be on friendly terms with a creature of his size and strength, especially as he devastates their home environment right before their eyes just to greet them.From “Post #459”, 31st October 2022, 3:11 am
Oh, my, now that's a new one! A dragon using a whole mountain range like a mere scratching post? How very belittling, and very amusing!BlueOrange said
And another sizable dragon from the same artist:
From “Post #459”, 31st October 2022, 3:11 am

I pretty much feel the same. Still, I like to think about how the dance is something the dragon's doing purely for their own enjoyment… the humans might see it as even more belittling than a walk or a nap, since their affairs are forcibly put on hold solely for the dragon to entertain themself and show off to the people they know are watching them.Kemui52 said
Yeah, I've seen this one! I might not be into macro dance sessions, but l can certainly appreciate their apathy towards the humans' convenience.
From “Post #460”, 5th November 2022, 5:50 pm
I like to imagine they're, say, following a dance step chart, or something like that, which is now getting permanently engraved into the asphalt in the form of huge dragon pawprints. Once again I don't know how to fully describe it… it's, like, the thought that they're taking some decisions which a human once made on a whim, which are now proving to have much larger consequences now that the dragon's performing them. Maybe, had the dance been choreographed slightly differently, that crosswalk could've been spared from their steps, or it could even have been the difference between a few cars getting stepped on or not! And the readings on nearby seismographs will show some spikes which just so happen to be at the exact tempo of the music they were dancing to.
Now that I think of it, it might just be the same appeal as a kaiju's actions which they perceive as inconsequential having huge impacts on the creatures below them.
I imagine it'd be quite pleasing, the power to make a mockery of whatever happens to be in your path, no matter how aesthetically gorgeous or carefully engineered! A kaiju's weight and body are incredible feats in both categories, and ones that are unfathomably difficult to compete with. Also thought it was funny how, sometimes in macro art that features scenic views being trampled, people are quite quick to admire the environment that's in the middle of being smothered into a wasteland. Like the kaiju fit in surprisingly well with the fragile nature around them.Kemui52 said
Mmm, l, too, enjoy taking in the sights before l stomp all over them! Imagining how firm and structurally sound it must be before I see it crumble to bits… Rawr!
From “Post #460”, 5th November 2022, 5:50 pm
Giant dragon bodies are pretty effective at deforestation, especially when they ram their entire torsos into the rows of poor trees and bulldoze everything over…!Kemui52 said
Indeed, that's a vast amount of trees being toppled and smashed! Graarrr, that's a whole new clearing! And, I'm thinking that dragon must have expertise in communicating with the deer, because tree smashing is quite loud.
From “Post #460”, 5th November 2022, 5:50 pm
I imagine a dragon his size would have a larynx comparable in width to those tree trunks, so he might not have any trouble talking over the noise. Speaking loud enough, but not so loud as to deafen the little deer, might be a bit more difficult, though!
Always nice to see a dragon defacing nature's own prides and monuments for nothing but their own careless pleasure, with just as little acknowledgment as they would with the humans'!Kemui52 said
Oh, my, now that's a new one! A dragon using a whole mountain range like a mere scratching post? How very belittling, and very amusing!
From “Post #460”, 5th November 2022, 5:50 pm
Arven's putting these out quick!

BlueOrange said
I pretty much feel the same. Still, I like to think about how the dance is something the dragon's doing purely for their own enjoyment… the humans might see it as even more belittling than a walk or a nap, since their affairs are forcibly put on hold solely for the dragon to entertain themself and show off to the people they know are watching them.From “Post #461”, 28th November 2022, 1:33 am
Another thing to consider is that a giant dragon passing through a city is terrifying. But, the dragon taking a moment to dance implies a level of high intelligence, which serves to add further insult to the owners of destroyed property and those it's blocking the way of.
BlueOrange said
I imagine it'd be quite pleasing, the power to make a mockery of whatever happens to be in your path, no matter how aesthetically gorgeous or carefully engineered! A kaiju's weight and body are incredible feats in both categories, and ones that are unfathomably difficult to compete with. Also thought it was funny how, sometimes in macro art that features scenic views being trampled, people are quite quick to admire the environment that's in the middle of being smothered into a wasteland. Like the kaiju fit in surprisingly well with the fragile nature around them.From “Post #461”, 28th November 2022, 1:33 am
Kaiju art can be quite interesting in that regard. It is not only a large, detailed character, but can also be a grand landscape piece. It can easily become a blend two subjects of art. I've once heard it joked that it takes longer to draw the city than to draw the macro.
Dragonnnnn! That is a very prime example of an aspect l love about certain giant monsters: How immensely powerful and destructive a monster can be, yet has the capacity to be careful and delicate when it wants to. I swoon at the thought of peacefully hugging a gigantic creature who can easily end my life in less than a second! Not just powerful in strength, but powerful enough to restrain its strength! Raaaawr…!BlueOrange said
Arven's putting these out quick!I love how these dragons can be so friendly and gentle toward a select group of tiny beings on one hand, yet simultaneously so oblivious and casually violent toward other creatures and vegetation that might be physically much stronger than whoever they're focusing on.
From “Post #461”, 28th November 2022, 1:33 am
Bonus points when crushing things while being gentle, too, as per the prime example. How many hundreds of trees? How many unfortunate animals? Raaaawr! Oops, now l'm rawring for the opposite reason.